Monday, October 7, 2019

Its been so good!

This week has been so good!! 

This week has been amazing.  After my last blog I did, I surrendered all of my problems to God and I have not had any anxiety attacks, any fear, and my faith has grown in the past week more than it has ever.  Faith that God will take care of my kids and I for the rest of our lives because we will live for Him. 

This Sunday, October 13th, is the day I was supposed to get married and I know that if I wouldn't have surrendered it all, this week would have been full of emotions.  But I have yet to cry once, have yet to even think about the wedding until now.  This Sunday I am going to be happy instead of worrying or having anxiety.  Because I am not ALONE!  God will forever be with me and forever and will take care of us!

I am so blessed for the Lord.  I have spent my days with my kids, reading my Bible, worshiping our King, praying and not having to worry about a thing! It was like everything was lifted right off my shoulders.  I had a sudden peace about everything.  Because I am not ALONE!  God will forever be with me and forever and will take care of us!   

If anyone is having a tough time letting go and letting God, I promise you it will be 100000 x's better once you do.  If you don't know me, I am a yeller.  I try my best not to yell at my kids but it just happens.  I also yell when I talk sometimes.  But since my last blog, I have not yelled at them but once.  My anxiety has completely went away and I have not taken my anxiety medication in a week and a half.  I have not had anymore fear on how I am going to live as a single mother again.  I know I have done it before and God provided but this time I am in a deeper relationship with God that I am not worrying about it.  I am going to continue to live and continue building my relationship with God and continue to be radically in love with Jesus.  That way I do not have to worry, fear, have anxiety about anything.  Praise the Lord!! 

This week, I called some people and forgave them for everything they have ever done to me.  I felt such a relief to let go of all that stuff in the back of my mind and I have changed!!  And I claim it in the name of Jesus! The kids and I have had a good week with being able to play outside, being able to pray together, worship God together, and being able to just enjoy time together instead of all the yelling and not getting along.  This week in our home, we have learned that we need to show love instead of frustration.  We need to use our manners and show love to each other like Jesus did to us.  The kids are doing fantastic with it.  I am so blessed to have these precious babies.  God knew what he was doing when he gave me these three.  

I am so blessed that God allowed me and trusted me to be their mommy!  I will not mess it up and I will raise you three to be warriors for Christ! I promise you that!  

1 Peter 5:7 says "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

Matthew 6:34 states, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own." 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Don't lose Faith!

I lost Faith today but got it back. 

Today, I was depressed.  I lost Faith that all of this was going to get better.  I realized that this is going to be way harder than I thought.  I have had multiple serious relationships and a few engagements but I definitely wasn't as into them as I was this relationship, engagement, and wedding.  But today, I had the worst day but the best day during this heartache.  And let me point out that he isn't the bad person in all this.  We had our ups and downs but we made this decision together to save our very long friendship.  

Tonight after watching Real Talk Kim at 9 pm on Facebook, I realized that I need to let it go.  That I need to listen to God and do what I was told and not to stress over it.  I also realized that this depression I am going through needs to stop.  We both made this decision for the sake of our friendship and the kids.  I can't continue to be depressed over this relationship.  I want us to continue to be friends and hang out but I finally realized today in order for me to be happy with the decision that we made, I need to find peace and have faith that God will take care of everything and that God has a plan for our lives, together or not.  

I know that I have said some of this stuff before but I can't stress over how much having faith in God means!  Matthew 6:34 says, "Pray more, worry less."  Another good verse that I love is Isaiah 43:2 says, "When you go through deep waters, I will be with you."  

Faith is something you have got to hold onto.  The things I have gone through in my life has made me lose faith multiple times and today was one of those days.  I struggled today! I let the devil get me so far down that I lost faith in the Lord above who will never leave me!  But no more! That devil will not get the best of me and make me lose my faith anymore.  

Dear God, tonight I pray that you will remind me every day not to lose faith in you.  Lord, I want to thank you for blessing me with 3 beautiful children, a roof over our heads, and food to eat.  Also my job and a safe place for my children while I work.  I just pray that someone, somewhere out there is reading this and it helps them find their faith again.  The devil got me down today Lord and I hope you can forgive me and give me strength to fight him off the next time he tries.  Lord, I just pray for everyone hurting with depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, cancer, sickness, or just needing faith and love, that they know that you will never leave them or forsake them.  I pray that you will keep everyone safe and that we all have a wonderful, God filled day tomorrow.  Pour your love over everyone dear Lord and help me get through these tough times because I know when I get to the end of this hardships you have something amazing waiting on me.  I love you Jesus.  In  Jesus name, AMEN!

Have a wonderful night!  I love you all!! 

Friday, September 27, 2019

This week tested me badly!!

This week tested me:

This week just was not my week.  It definitely was a rough one.  I have found myself counting down the days I had until October 13th.  The day I was supposed to get married.  I can't just forget it!  I wish I could.  It really is killing me!  I know I did what was right and I am going to get through this with the love and support of my God above, and friends and family down here.  

These three children are why I do what I do.  I teach them how to read their bibles, how to pray, and how to worship Him.  I couldn't imagine spending my time any other way.  You can pray about anything.  I have made sure I taught them that.  
Today we were riding down the road and Abigail just asked to Pray.  I said, "of course baby go ahead."  And that was it.  It is amazing how much better you feel when you get into your Bible everyday, worshiping as you are going to work or school or where ever you are going.  

If reading my Bible and praising Him every day and praying to him everyday has taught me one thing, it is that He will show you the way He planned for you.  He will show you how and what to say to others as you try to witness to them.  God will show you the way as long as you have Faith and Patience in Him. 

This week started out pretty good but then went to worse but as I just read my Bible, cried a good bit of tears, raised my hands up to the Lord sitting in my office at work because I sat there crying for an hour over stuff I didn't understand but I knew was God's plan for me.   Now I know that with time, God will continue to show me His plan for my children and I. 

One of my favorite verses states, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15 and I have it hanging in my home as a reminder.  See picture below.  

I also have Jeremiah 29:11 hanging up in my home and 1 Thessalonians 5:17.  
I want my children to know that we will serve the Lord, that He has plans and He knows them and to also "Pray with Ceasing!"  

I hope this weekend brings you all joy and happiness and that you find your Faith in the Lord.  Remember this passage below.  As it is also hanging up in my home! God bless you all! 

Monday, September 23, 2019



Good afternoon everybody.  it’s Monday. We are a little bit over halfway done with Monday. I hope that everybody’s Monday has been great.  I hope that everybody’s weekend was well and that it was full of God and full of family time.

We had fun this weekend. Saturday we just chilled at home and did yard work and cleaned house and went to our family’s house to watch football that night. Sunday we went to church and praised the Lord and learned about Jesus and then attended one of our friends wedding! It was a beautiful wedding!

Today has been one year since I got baptized.  I have grown so much in my walk with Jesus!  I hope that everybody can see the change in my life. That everybody can see that I am living more for Him and not for the world!  I wanted to add this video in here because other than the birth of my three children, this was the best day of my life:

I am so blessed to have a relationship with the Lord above!  It’s not easy!  It’s not easy at all to get that relationship with Christ where you are radically in love with him but once you get to that point, you know He is always here for you no matter what!  He loves us and he wants you to know that you can do anything with Him!  Read your Bible daily, pray to Him multiple times a day, and LIVE LIKE HIM!! DON’T LIVE LIKE THE WORLD! This past Sunday was about living with Fruits of the Spirit not living with works of the flesh! If you look up Galatians 5:16-23 you will read the works of the flesh and the Fruit of the Spirit! This is How we are supposed to live. I will list the Fruits of the Spirit below with some verses to also look at:
1. Love
2. Joy- 1 Peter 1:8
3. Peace- Matthew 6:25-27; Philippians 4:7
4. Patience
5. Kindness- Matthew 5:43
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness- Luke 16:10-11
8. Gentleness
9. Self control- Proverbs 25:28

Another verse to look up is Galatians 5:24-26

Now this weekend wasn’t easy for me.  I had emotional times during this weekend and even today but I know that my God will provide and that my God will be here for me and I can pray to him and he will show me the way!  I Pray that you all have a great week. I pray that this touches somebody. I was in a very dark place before I found the Lord. And it’s never too late to find the Lord and change the way you live.

I really don’t know where I’d be today without God. I did go astray for a few years but now that I’m back and I’m praising him, and serving him, and Raising my kids up in a Godly home, my life is a lot better!  I want my children to know God and to be radically in love with Jesus and the only way for them to be able to do that is by example. I have to live that way so that way they will live that way. Please keep me in your prayers if you can because I’m still working through all this pain of having to make that hard decision a few weeks back But I know that it’s for the best, and I know that it’s what God told me to do!  Always listen to Him!
I love the song, “Eye of the Storm” by Ryan Stevenson - LOOK IT UP

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Raising my children RIGHT!


This week 

This week has been a little hard.  I have anxiety and I have had a few anxiety attacks this week.  I am not sure why it has been so bad this week but I got through it.  I prayed when I had them and I felt a peace come over me.  I felt the Holy Spirit come over me and calm me and I am so blessed for that.  I have been stressing a little this week with everything that has went on but I am finally at peace with everything because I have FAITH in the Lord that he will take care of my children and me.  I haven't always listened to what God has told me to do but I did last week and it has changed my life. It is crazy how when you get rid of the toxicity in your life how much better you feel!

Honestly!  My life has changed and yours will too when you LISTEN to the Lord and do as He says!
Proverbs 3:5-6 says:
        "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

After I read that verse this week, and I started to rely on Him and Listen to Him, I had calmness and peace the rest of the week.  Our home has been so calm this past week.  I am a yeller.  I will admit it but this, we have been able to handle our behaviors and anger in a different way instead of fussing and yelling.  It has turned out to be a great week.

My kids and I have worshiped together every day this week, in the car, in the living room, and even playing outside.  I love being in control of raising my kids to love and trust and lean on God!  It is the best feeling ever when your kids say stuff like:
 "mommy I love praying as a family."
 "mom Can we play Zach Williams?"
  "mom can we worship."

It just makes you feel so good!! I have a video of Abby and Noah in the living room praising the Lord and Noah is getting into it and I am so glad to raise them in a home that LOVES and SERVES God!

I’m so glad I can share this video with y’all!! Turn your volume up!! 

We had such a blast this week loving each other, using different ways to discipline, calm parenting, and being the best we can be for God and loving the way Jesus did!  Our new motto this week was:
       "If it won't please Jesus, don't do it and be sure to LOVE LIKE JESUS!!"

Last night we had a calm outing.  The children listened, was not disrespectful, and we were able to have a great time with each other! 

When you change the way you respond to your children's outburst, smart mouth, attitude, and the way you discipline, it will make a difference with your home life.  Teach your kids to LOVE LIKE JESUS!  This world continues to go down hill with everything going on.  We are losing our freedom back to back and everyone needs to start living and loving like Jesus because the Lord is coming back and when he does it's going to be a great day!  We do not know when but when he does a lot of people WON'T BE READY!  I have some advice, GET READY! JESUS IS COMING BACK!  LIVE FOR THE LORD AND LOVE LIKE THE LORD.  Worship him, pray every day, tithe at church, give to God’s kingdom not yours, and serve at your church! 

 I am so thankful for the ones who constantly reads my blogs!  If you enjoy them please let me know!  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A hard decision

Today, I had to make a hard decision: 

I added some quotes today that has helped me!!

Now as most of you know I was recently in a relationship.  Then I was engaged.  Then I had all my wedding stuff figured out, had got the dress, venue, cake, DJ, and everything but then as most couples we hit a lot of bumps!  So many bumps that it caused us to break up and cancel the wedding, losing all the money that my parents and us put into this wedding, and then we decided we should try to work on things.  Now not everyone knows our story so I shall briefly tell it.  We met when we were little and had crushes on each other like we knew what we were even talking about.  Our mothers grew apart once they went their separate ways with the job that they worked together. 


We haven't talked in forever until he found me on Facebook and then we hit it off.  But back to my point.  I had to make a hard decision today.  We had agreed about this multiple times that we were just too toxic for each other and that we should not keep the kids going through this and stuff.  (NOTE WE HAVEN'T BEEN DATING FOR A FEW WEEKS NOW, JUST FRIENDS BUT TODAY I MADE SURE THAT HE KNEW THAT'S WHAT ITS GOT TO BE FOR THE LONG HAUL)

Everything wasn't his fault and everything wasn't my fault.  We share the fault in this result.  Today I explained to him that I feel this is best to be only friends due to I am working on my walk with Christ and that I need to focus on that more than anything and focus on bringing my kids up to love the Lord and serve the Lord and with us fussing all the time, constantly, I just felt we could not raise them up in a Godly home due to all the fussing and stuff in our relationship.  We both agreed to just go ahead and end things and that he would still be able to see them of course because they love him and want to still see him which is fine with me.  

See the source image

I have never felt so relieved though because of the decision I made today, I can focus more on my walk with Christ and my kids walk with Christ.  I know until I have a great walk with Christ and a great prayer life, I can not be happy with anyone.  I want to raise my kids to be warriors for Christ and to love Him and to love like Him.  For them to be able to pray when they need to, pray for people, pray for those hurting, and pray for themselves.  I want my kids to see what it is like to have a loving home who loves God and will forever serve Him.  My kids and I will make it as we have before for a while before he came along.  God will provide as long as you don't lose faith in him and trust him.  God will forever be faithful to you.  If you are in a hard situation and you do not know what to do,  PRAY about it.  He will answer you prayers even if it is not the way you wanted them answered.  

I prayed and prayed that God would show me if being with him was the right choice or not the right choice and many times has he told me it was not the right choice.  I have told one of my best friends that multiple times that I felt God telling me it is time to let go.  Learn to listen! Learn to take time to PRAY to God and also learn to take time to sit and listen to God.  He will forever be faithful and true.  
One of these days God will send a Godly man to me and until then I shall wait.  I will continue to praise Him and serve him and Pray to him.  I will never lose faith in him.  It is in His timing.  Thank you God for everything. 

Monday, September 16, 2019

My Faith

My Faith hasn't always been the best:

My Faith has not always been the best and it still isn't today.  I struggled for a while to realize that I need to put all my faith in God and let Him handle the things for me because I am not big enough to take care of them alone.  I was brought up in church but then as a teen stopped going.  I never lost my connection with Christ.  I would pray when I felt the need to or wanted something.  I wouldn't pray just to say thank you for everything you have given me or helped me through.  Once I prayed and asked for something, if He answered my prayers, I let it be.  I did not pray again to say thank you or I know that was you Lord.  

But now I know how to pray, what to expect while praying and how to listen to what God is saying to you during this time.  

My prayer life has gotten a little better.  It is definitely not perfect but I am working towards having a great prayer life and you should too!!  You know if we have time to get on Facebook, snap-chat, Instagram, Twitter, play games on our phones, and ETC, (I am guilty of this) then we have time to spend time with God.  God will never leave us, will never make us watch ads, will never charge us for his services, HE PAID THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE FOR US AND WE CAN NOT EVEN SPEND SOME TIME OUT OF OUR BUSY DAY TO SPEND TIME WITH HIM BUT WE HAVE TIME FOR EVERYTHING ELSE.  I am definitely not judging anyone because I am also guilty of this as I said.  

But it is time to put down our phones and spend time in God's Word, Pray to him, and Listen to what he has to say.  I have definitely felt better and much happier knowing anytime I need anything all I need to do is to Pray to the Lord Almighty and He will provide if it’s His will! If you don’t get anything else out of my Blogs, I want you to get that God is your forever Heavenly Father And He loves you no matter what!  PRAY to Him but be sure to: 

P-Praise him for the things He’s done in your life/other peoples life that you know of 
R-Repent all your sins to Him
A- the needs of you or friends or family that needs it

God has gotten me through so times! If it wasn’t for Him, I’d be so lost but I know that through Him I can do anything! My Faith and walk with Christ is so much deeper and better than it was! 

The Lord loves you and so do I!  He will never leave you!! 

I’ll be back soon! I hope this helped someone!  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


On June 3, 2011 I graduated high school even though I was 8 months pregnant.  In just a few weeks I was going to become a teenage mother.  At just 19 years old I wasnt ready for that!  I wasnt prepared for what was about to happen in my life but I knew that I had made the decision to do the things I did and that rather I was ready or not I was about to have a baby boy.  

June 26th, 2011 I went into labor at BILO! We managed to finish shopping and rush the groceries home and get to the hospital.  I was scared.  They did have to break my water and then when it came down the getting the epidural my little boys heart rate dropped and I wasnt dilating anymore.  I wasnt sure what was going on.  I was so scared.  2:26 am my 7 lb 12 oz baby was born VIA c section.  He was so beautiful though.  I didnt think I could love someone so much! 

When Noah was born, I knew all the pain was worth it.  But I was different.  I had a new insight on life.  Instead of me being the big and bad person I thought I was I went into postpartum depression! I felt as if I wasnt enough for him.  Once he was two weeks old I became a single mother due to my partner at the time cheating on me.  I was even more depressed then.  Now as a 19 year old "child" the only thing I could think is I will not make it through this alone.  But I managed to get through it.  My life as a single mother was not an easy one.  During this time, I was working a full time job and trying to start college.  I never finished going to college due to trying to be a mom but its okay! If you are going through this, being a teenage mother just remember with God you can do anything. 

After a few years of dating and thinking I found the right one but ended up not finding the right one, I started dating a child hood friend from church.  He treated Noah as his own and I thought for sure I have found the one God sent for me.  After few years of dating, we welcomed our baby girl, Abigail in January of 2015.  She was so beautiful!  7 lbs 10 oz of pure beauty! 

As all relationships, you have your ups and downs!  This relationship didnt end well.  It ended with us always arguing over things that aren't even important.  Back to being a single mother.  Some people think just because you broke up you are not a single mother if the other parent is helping but you are.  If you dont live together and you have to care for the child 24 hours a day 7 days a week and the other parent only sees child once a week or few hours every other day, you ARE A SINGLE PARENT.  Few years later of off and on with this person, we found out that I was pregnant again.  

This time when I took that pregnancy test, the first thoughts in my mind were that:

             "I know Im going to be doing this alone once again."
             "Maybe I should not have this baby."
             "I have disappointed my family."
             "I dont believe in abortions, but I could give this child up for adoption."

A lot of things went through my mind.  Now dont get me wrong, I wanted this child, I just thought maybe someone else could give him a better life since I was already struggling.  But after a few days, I realized that God placed this child in my stomach for a reason.  And even though I dont know that reason yet besides he is a blessing to my life just as his brother and sister are, I am sure I will be shown one day!  

July 7th, 2017 is when my 8 lb 3 oz baby boy was born.  He was definitely one handsome child! 

My life was going to be hard now taking care of 3 children by myself but I knew God wouldnt put me through something He didnt know I could handle.  These three beautiful children have blessed me so much and I have never once thought about doing anything that may jeopardize me being their mother because they are the most precious things and I would trade my three children for anything. But what I do know is that I really thought that I wouldnt be enough for anyone especially since I have 3 children.  I know God puts us through things so that way we know Hes here and we cant lose faith in Him but let me tell you I lost all faith in him.  I let everything else come to me and let the devil fight me for so long.  As I am sitting here letting tears fall and typing this up, I realize that maybe I didnt disappoint my family, maybe if I just put my faith back into the Lord and serve for Him and live for Him and not for the world that he will take care of us.  

I started back to church when I was pregnant with Lucas and rededicated my life to the Lord. One day after I have already had Lucas, I was invited to another church and once I sat through that service, I heard God tell me, "this is where I want you to be."  I am still at 5 Point Church in Easley, SC.  I serve in Kid Point during one service and I worship in another service.  If you are reading this and need a church to come to let me know.  We would love to have you. 

I just got out of a relationship with the man that I was for sure God had hand picked him for me.  We were going to get married this October.  We planned on getting a new house for us and our family and possibly thinking about having another child since he didnt have any biological children.  But then it hit him and I both the other day that we didnt want to ruin our 20 year friendship so that it would be better if we just ended things.  He loves me and my kids and we love him but it is best since the things that have happened in our relationship that we end it and be friends so that way we dont end up ruining our friendship.   

I am happy now and I am going to put a sign on my heart for UNDER CONSTRUCTION while I let God heal my heart and have faith in Him that He will help me through this hard time and He will provide as long as I live for him. 

Here is a current picture of my children and I on Mothers Day 2019!

2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight

Monday, September 9, 2019

the old me

The old me has moved out and the new me is moved in but first....

This is my first blog.  I wanted to start out introducing myself to those who don't know me.  

My name is Mercedez and I am 27 years old.  I have decided to start a blog so that I could try to encourage people who need it and so that everyone gets that even through the hard times God will always be here for you and you have to live for him and not for the world.  (This first blog is before I found the Lord)

I guess I will start with as a child I was brought up in a broken home.  Which is okay because sometimes you just have to do what is best for everyone involved.  I had an older brother when I was born and then was promoted to big sister few years later.  I had a good child hood.  I was fed, clothed, bathed, lived in a home, and didn't go without unless I threw my tantrums in the store, which i definitely did multiple times. (sorry mom).

During my teenage years, as most teens, I went through my wild side.  I was not the best in school with grades or behavior.  I went through school making sure I made grades to get my to the next grade but did not really care.  I would get into fights over things that seem so small now that I am older.  I would skip school and go back at the end of the school day and wait for the bus.  I hung out with some great friends who I thought was more important than my grades.

In my 12th grade year I found out something that would CHANGE MY LIFE FOREVER! Yes I made it that far even after being told I would never graduate because of my past with grades and behavior! Once was told that "I would drop out of high school, end up pregnant, and never amount to anything."  Once I found out this news, my first thought was "everyone was right! I will never graduate high school and I will just be the person everyone says that I am."  But I did not let what anyone had to say stop me.  Yes I had some that supported me and thought that I would make it but most of them would  say, "you will not make it."
But guess what?  Even with the news that I found out, I did graduate high school with a decent GPA and also 8 MONTHS PREGNANT!

I will continue this this week.  This is my first blog so I am not sure if it is good or not.  Please continue to read if you are reading.  I will post on Social Media when a new blog is up.