Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A hard decision

Today, I had to make a hard decision: 

I added some quotes today that has helped me!!

Now as most of you know I was recently in a relationship.  Then I was engaged.  Then I had all my wedding stuff figured out, had got the dress, venue, cake, DJ, and everything but then as most couples we hit a lot of bumps!  So many bumps that it caused us to break up and cancel the wedding, losing all the money that my parents and us put into this wedding, and then we decided we should try to work on things.  Now not everyone knows our story so I shall briefly tell it.  We met when we were little and had crushes on each other like we knew what we were even talking about.  Our mothers grew apart once they went their separate ways with the job that they worked together. 


We haven't talked in forever until he found me on Facebook and then we hit it off.  But back to my point.  I had to make a hard decision today.  We had agreed about this multiple times that we were just too toxic for each other and that we should not keep the kids going through this and stuff.  (NOTE WE HAVEN'T BEEN DATING FOR A FEW WEEKS NOW, JUST FRIENDS BUT TODAY I MADE SURE THAT HE KNEW THAT'S WHAT ITS GOT TO BE FOR THE LONG HAUL)

Everything wasn't his fault and everything wasn't my fault.  We share the fault in this result.  Today I explained to him that I feel this is best to be only friends due to I am working on my walk with Christ and that I need to focus on that more than anything and focus on bringing my kids up to love the Lord and serve the Lord and with us fussing all the time, constantly, I just felt we could not raise them up in a Godly home due to all the fussing and stuff in our relationship.  We both agreed to just go ahead and end things and that he would still be able to see them of course because they love him and want to still see him which is fine with me.  

See the source image

I have never felt so relieved though because of the decision I made today, I can focus more on my walk with Christ and my kids walk with Christ.  I know until I have a great walk with Christ and a great prayer life, I can not be happy with anyone.  I want to raise my kids to be warriors for Christ and to love Him and to love like Him.  For them to be able to pray when they need to, pray for people, pray for those hurting, and pray for themselves.  I want my kids to see what it is like to have a loving home who loves God and will forever serve Him.  My kids and I will make it as we have before for a while before he came along.  God will provide as long as you don't lose faith in him and trust him.  God will forever be faithful to you.  If you are in a hard situation and you do not know what to do,  PRAY about it.  He will answer you prayers even if it is not the way you wanted them answered.  

I prayed and prayed that God would show me if being with him was the right choice or not the right choice and many times has he told me it was not the right choice.  I have told one of my best friends that multiple times that I felt God telling me it is time to let go.  Learn to listen! Learn to take time to PRAY to God and also learn to take time to sit and listen to God.  He will forever be faithful and true.  
One of these days God will send a Godly man to me and until then I shall wait.  I will continue to praise Him and serve him and Pray to him.  I will never lose faith in him.  It is in His timing.  Thank you God for everything. 


  1. So proud of you and keep you faith strong !! Love from one godly woman to another!!

  2. Thank you! I love you so much! Thank you for having my back!
